Browse the SCIS catalogue via the search function, or by clicking on the links below the search bar, including featured categories, recently catalogued items, and recently catalogued non-fiction.
As you browse through the records, you will see that each record has a Download this record button, as well as the option to print or email the record summary. If you are only downloading one record, click Download this record, and proceed to Step 6. If nothing happens, please deactivate your pop-up blocker. For assistance, please contact your ICT Team.
If you wish to download multiple records, you can add the selected records to a temporary folder. To add records, click on their corresponding plus icon (+) from the results page. To view items in the temporary folder, click on the Saved Records button below the search bar. Once you are ready to download the selected items, select Download from the Actions button on the right hand side. Note: You can email, print or download the records within temporary folders, or save the records as a list in your SCIS account. The temporary folder is emptied at the end of each session. All records in this folder will be removed once you log out of SCIS, or close your internet browser.
Depending on the settings for your internet browser, the file containing your records will download and auto-save in your Downloads folder on your PC, or a Save as window will open up. Save as provides the option to select where to save the file or to change the file name (optional).
Once your download is complete, open your library management system and import the downloaded records as well as any available cover images. As all library systems are different, we are unable to provide detailed instructions on how to perform this step. If you require assistance, please contact your vendor.
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