If you are having trouble logging in or using SCIS, please try the following solutions:
- Access SCIS on a different computer or device to see if the issue is school-wide or isolated to your computer.
- If you have previously added the SCIS website to your Favourites, check that the web address is up to date. If it is not up to date, delete the existing Favourite and restart your internet browser. Go to scisdata.com and save this as a new Favourite.
- Clear your cache. Your internet browser stores information from websites you visit in its cache. It does this on the first visit to a website so that on subsequent visits, your browser will load the site from the cached copy as opposed to re-downloading it. This is to provide you with a faster browsing experience. However, this also means that you may not always see the newest version of the site, and you may encounter other slowness and browser errors. It is recommended to periodically clear your cache and restart your browser. All internet browsers have different methods for clearing cache. If you require assistance, please contact your IT staff.
- Ensure the school's computer and network settings, securities and/or proxies permit access to SCIS (see JavaScript is required to view the SCIS website). Please speak to your school’s IT staff to review these settings. If SCIS is blocked, please ask the IT staff to update your school’s security settings to allow access to SCIS. Keep in mind that access to SCIS requires authentication, so they may need to bypass any proxy that is causing the access denial. It is also worth checking your internet service provider settings as well.
If you have tried these steps and are still experiencing issues, please contact us. Please describe in detail the issue you are experiencing, and include screenshots if possible.
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